Threads 57: Nine Grapevine Trees

Last weekend we held an outdoor art exhibition at our community arts center, McDonald’s Corners and Elphin Recreation and Arts, generally known as MERA. The theme was ‘ Trees for Life‘. We had talks about the importance of trees, tree planting and then planted about 40 trees on the adjoining property. There was also an indoor art exhibition by the Art Circle, a table filled with decorated cupcakes in the shape of a tree and lots of happy chatter.


All this to explain the reason for my nine 2-dimensional trees, all freestanding against the school house wall. The piece was titled “The MERA Woodland”. The largest tree in the center is based on an elm tree, and is about 10 feet tall. Some trees were based on the poplar tree, others on smaller deciduous trees or shrubs. The hardest part of the project was to find suitable tree trunks. Some of the best were curly willow branches. 


I am not sure if you will be able to see the flight of small birds on the right hand end, flying in a flock just above the trees. After spending a great deal of time trying to make small flying birds, I finally discovered the simpler the better and used the right shaped small branches. They were also very hard to find.


This project was a great use for grapevine, much of it kindly donated by my friends. After the grapevine dried out, the trees were sprayed with a mixture of varnish and paint thinner, which gave them a nice finished look.


For the same event, and with several MERA members, we made a giant grapevine ball. It was large enough to climb inside!  There was a round opening in the side of the ball and was intended for the children to climb inside. Unfortunately the clouds opened and the rain poured down so the afternoon activities were rather curtailed. Perhaps it will be used for the Hallowe’en party and make it a home for ghosts!


Threads 58: Using colour in basketry


Threads 56: Using colour in basketry