Threads 78:  Random weave and grape vine

Random weave is a very interesting name for a technique, and because of this, I looked up the word random in the dictionary. One of the definitions was ‘without a conscious method or understanding’. I find this particularly interesting as this technique comes from Japan, where most of the basketry work is very exact and perfect 

In the traditional basketry work in Europe and England, the technique of making baskets is very regulated very exact, and certainly not random.

That being said, a random weave is the most perfect technique for using the long long vines on the grapevine. This plant sends out long vines every spring which flower and fruit during the following few months. If cultivated, it is pruned back every spring. If growing wild, it just gets longer and longer every year. In fact, in many areas, it is an invasive plant and unwelcome, particularly on trees and hedges. However, it will not thrive in shade, and for that reason, it is not a menace in established forests.

Random weave is the perfect weave for using grapevine. The long vine segments weave in and out, up and down, round and round in any direction.

To make a random weave grapevine basket

You need a pile of fine or medium weight, pliable grapevine lengths and some heavy duty twist ties or small twine. 

Step one: Using the twist ties to help you, make a ball about the size of the baskets you want to make. See the photo to the right.

Step two: Carefully look at the ball, decide where the handle will be, and then push down the sides to form the rim. See the photo below. 

Step three: Wrap around the handle and rim, fill in the basket going in and out, up and down, watching the shape and making it sit flat on the bottom.

The resulting random weave basket has a unique appearance and can be used for many things inside and outside the house.

More detailed instructions can be found in the attachment, which was previously shared in Threads 47.   


Threads 79: Make your own witches broomstick for this Halloween


Threads 77 Summertime and Coracles